Introduction to Communication Disorders
Presented by Laura Moody, M.S.Ed., CCC-SLP and Korey Stading, M.S., CCC-SLP
This webinar focuses on the developmental patterns and milestones, including gross motor, fine motor, and communication, across the first three years of life. Examples will be provided to view and identify milestones. Additionally, participants will gain an understanding of the warning signs for communication delays and disorders, as well as knowing what to do when concerns arise. Participants will also be able to describe how developmental patterns can be applied to behaviors across the age span.
In the second portion of the webinar, different types of augmentative communication strategies will be discussed and modeled. Examples of a variety of communication devices will be shown. Participants will be able to identify behaviors that would suggest the use of augmentative communication strategies to be beneficial. Specific ways to provide communication opportunities in different environments throughout the day will be shared. Lastly, participants will be able to identify ways to increase communication opportunities based on client motivation and interest.
- Price: Free
- Webinar link