Vocational Services
Vocational Services is a community-based program which enhances the employment skills of individuals with developmental disabilities and/or mental illness. Vocational Services provides supported employment and vocational habilitation at several sites in the Omaha area such as animal shelters, food pantries, nursing homes, clothing closets, churches, and coffee shops. Job coaches provide support to individuals in vocational services.
What is supported employment?
Supported employment is a service provided to individuals with disabilities, who because of their disability, need intensive and sometimes on-going support to obtain a competitive job in the general workforce. Individuals in Omni’s Vocational Program come to work every day with a support staff, who helps them to perform the duties of their job. Our support staff receive training to support individuals directly by modeling tasks. The staff undergo extensive background checks upon hire and receive training in crisis de-escalation and CPR.
What kind of jobs can be done?
We have a variety of talents within our group, including: office cleanup, glass cleaning, outdoor cleanup, vehicle detailing, greeting customers, dish washing, dog walking, kennel cleaning, vacuuming, sweeping, mopping, document shredding,…and so many more!